2025 nuovo E85 Fuel Conversion Kit working with all injection engine EV1 bosch

Serie No.SO193 Esaurito. Storia 4 vendite.

Prezzo al dettaglio: 20.00
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Descrizione del prodotto

E85 Fuel Conversion Kit working with all injection engine EV1 bosch
E85 Fuel Conversion Kit working with all injection engine EV1 bosch

E85 Fuel conversion kit description:

E85 Conversion kits allowing gasoline only vehicles to run on Ethanol as an alternative fuel. This product installs as a plug and play device in the vehicles fuel Injection system, by means of rerouting the signal from the E. C. M. to the fuel injectors.
When you use a conversion kit on your car you will see an immediate increase in horse power. You will also notice considerably smoother engine idle.


Step 1
Locate the cars fuel injectors.

(Note: If you can not see the fuel injectors, the car’splenum must be removed. While this is a simple and quick procedure, we recommend that a certified mechanic do the installation.)

Disconnect the cars fuel injectors.

Note the male and female
connectors of the E85 unit (female pictured on the left; male is on the right)

Plug the E85kit  female connector into the cars male fuel injector. Then plug the corresponding E85 kit male connector into the cars female fuel injector (repeat this process for all of your cars injectors)

Connect the Black Ground Wire to the negative terminal on the battery, the engine or the firewall, by removing the screw from the battery, engine, or firewall. Thread the 1 or 2 eyelets (1 for 4-cylinder kits; 2 for 6 & 8-cylinder kits) with the screw before re-screwing.


Be sure all of the vehicle injectors and E85 kit connectors are securely connected. Then attach the E85 box to any location where the box can be secured using the enclosed tie straps, but at least 12 inches from any exhaust components.

The installation is now completed. However, we recommend that you drive your vehicle on straight gasoline for at least 60 miles. As long as the check engine light does not come on after 60 miles, your vehicle is now ready for E85. (Note: If your check engine light does come on, see the “Troubleshooting” section below)
In some cases, a check engine light will illuminate on your cars dashboard. This indicator does not pose any potential harm to your vehicle and there is no problem with continuing to drive while this light is on.
To correct this problem, the E85 kit system has a potentiometer located on the inside of the box for rich/lean adjustments. Simply unscrew the 4 screws on the top of the box to access the potentiometer (the white & blue dial located on the bottom of the circuit board, directly below the code starting with “E85”). You will notice that the range is from 0 - 10. 0 being the most lean setting; 10 being the most rich. All units are shipped in the position of number 5. Check Engine Light (during 1st 60 miles): If your check engine light appears during the first 60 miles on gas only, the setting is too rich for your car. Adjust the potentiometer to a lower setting between 3 - 4, and repeat Step 7 (including driving on gas only for 60 miles), before fueling with E85.Check Engine Light (on E85): If your check engine light appears while running on E85, the setting is too lean. Adjust the potentiometer to a higher setting between 6 - 7. Finding the optimum setting for the potentiometer, is a one time adjustment and will not require continual adjustments for running on gas or ethanol.

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